Developing a Plan for Giving

A majority of giving to nonprofits is with a donation here and there. We look at our list once a year around tax time. We give to our school, church, maybe a hospital that helped our family. You get a lot of requests and give to those who catch us at the right time, one here, two there and so on.

All of these causes need your support, but do you actually measure the impact of your giving? Would you like to be more purposeful in your charitable giving? You don’t have to give a million bucks to see change. All of us can see an impact from our giving.

Strategic giving is simple. Define a focus, and a plan. We talk about it around the dinner table. We reach out to know nonprofit leaders to learn about their work, understand issues and support their success.

Sounds good? Social Venture Partners begins a new series this summer to provide planning exercises designed around effective philanthropy. SVPSA believes everyone can be a strategic philanthropist, if we give a little, or if we give a lot.

The first program is July 10, held virtually so you can join us in “Finding Your Focus.” This is first in a series of six designed for you and your family, or colleagues to develop a strategic giving strategy.

The curriculum was developed by the Stanford PACS Center on Philanthropy and Civil Society, and is an online course you can even do on your own, or use in your company community social responsibility (CSR) committee. SVPSA wants to introduce you to it, and collectively discover how we use this to work together in our giving plan.

Register here to RSVP for the Find Your Focus Zoom Discussion and Exercise.